Monday, February 25, 2013

Some Funny Pictures

That's embarassing.
He was walking around with a piece of firewood glitched into his leg.
Nice time to freeze. My file corrupted and now I can't play the first character I made. But hey, got a cool picture of an arrow in flight?
Some satanic ritual thing under the College of Winterhold. Why does every necromancer end up crazy? All the journals I find in dungeons are about necromancers who find female draugr sexy or something.
Talk about an awkward place to die, Mr. Dragon. I've got to do my Conjuration Ritual Spell quest right on that pedestal. Y'know, fight a wild dremora? You're in the way.
It's called an eye patch. Pirates have them. How can you fight crime if you can't see it? (Maybe the DareDevil can, but his movie sucked, so it's negated).

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