Friday, February 22, 2013

Character Archetype: The Mage

Race: High Elf
Gender: Female
Statistic Focus: Magicka 80% Health 20%
Primary Skills (you’ll want to level these ASAP): Destruction, Conjuration
Secondary Skills: Illusion, Restoration
Stone Ability: Mage Stone
Essential Perks: Spellcasting Rank Perks, Destruction Dual Casting, Augmented Flames/Frost/Shock (Destruction), Summoner (Conjuration), Elemental Potency (Conjuration), Illusion Dual Casting
Weapons: Spells
Armor: Mage Robes. Find whatever robe has the highest Magicka regeneration, then find other armor to increase your max Magicka or decrease the cost of spells
Follower: Find a heavily armored warrior to hold off and distract enemies. Vorstag and Lydia are both good choices (especially early on).
·       As a High Elf, you’ll have the highest starting Magicka and can keep that advantage by focusing on Magicka bonuses as you level up.
·       Your racial ability Highborn is your lifeline. Keep it in your favorites and use it to sustain your casting through long battles.
·       When you see an enemy, go on the aggressive by conjuring a creature and then going in with your best Destruction spells from a ranged distance.
·       When battling, you will probably spend most of your time using Destruction or Restoration spells
·       Learn the pros and cons of each element of Destruction. Fire-based enemies are weak to ice, ice-based enemies are weak to fire and mages are weak to shock (because it drains their Magicka).
·       Don’t forget that your spells have secondary effects! You can start off a fight by spraying flames to set your enemies on fire or with ice to slow your enemies down while you dance around the room. Anything to make your enemies struggle while you keep casting will be invaluable.
·       When not dualcasting, maybe use a ward to protect yourself from enemy spells.
·       This archetype is very powerful because of the devastating spells. However, it is also very fragile. So much of your focus will be on increasing your offensive that your health and armor will be left low. You’ll be pretty weak if you’re taking direct attacks.
·       Allow your followers (summoned and unsummoned alike) to distract your enemies and take the damage while you focus on taking out each enemy one by one. If your summoned follower is destroyed, summon it immediately.
·       While you fight, always keep one eye on your health bar so that you can be quick to cast Fast Healing or drink potions when necessary.
·       If an enemy comes in for close range, there are a few things you can do. You can cast Fear or Calm (to escape or send them running). You can check their health and finish them off by dualcasting Destruction or keeping your ward up and switching to stronger spells. Or, if they’re too powerful, you can gain some distance until your followers distract them again.
·       Keep in mind that robes are much lighter than armor, which usually allows you a clean getaway (read: tactical retreat).
·       Your character will use potions much faster than the others archetypes would because of your low health. It might be less expensive for you if you take up alchemy on the side.
·       As a mage, your buying priority is always Spell Tomes. If you join the college early on, you’ll have easy access to the best vendors.
·       The Mage Stone is a solid backup for your character, as it increases all of your focuses.

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