Friday, August 22, 2014

Skyrim Tip #73 Loading Time

To decrease loading times, load the save file directly rather than pressing continue at the start menu. Hoarding (read: junk-collecting) also increases loading time.

Skyrim Tip #72 Leveling Alteration (Detect Life/Dead)

The Alteration Spell Detect Life levels up your Alteration spell by how many people you “see” with it. For example, let’s say it takes ten minutes to level up your Alteration skill when you can see one person. If you can see two people, however, it will only take five minutes.

Skyrim Tip #71 No Stone Unturned Quest Glitches

Thieves Guild Quest No Stone Unturned has a glitch where the Stones of Barenziah won’t stack after you bring them to Vex. However, there is a secondary glitch where if you retrieve all of the stones before showing them to her, Torvald’s Cave (where the crown is) won’t open. This can be fixed by either showing them when you’ve only got 20 stones or so. This can also be fixed by a third glitch where you Whirlwind Sprint through a plate at the closed doorway and back.

Skyrim Tip #70 Weighted Pedestals

If you’re in a dungeon and you see something on a pedestal, don’t take it unless you really want it. It probably sets off some trap.

Skyrim Tip #69 Weather Matters

A stormy night provides better sneaking than a clear, starry night.

Skyrim Tip #68 Lost in a Dungeon?

Are you dungeon delving and unsure of where to go next? Check your local map for any unexplored openings.

Skyrim Tip # 67 Gimme That (Forge)!

If you try and use something that someone else is using, they’ll stop immediately (like smelters or forges).